TPO PVC柔性光伏支架



领先的巴西EPC安德拉德·古铁雷斯(Andrade Gutierrez)使用NX Horizo​​n™双面优化解决方案在米纳斯吉拉斯州建造830兆瓦的Janaúba光伏电站 Versãoem葡萄牙语。 2021年3月2日,巴西索罗卡巴– Flex 公司Nextrack…

领先的巴西EPC安德拉德·古铁雷斯(Andrade Gutierrez)使用NX Horizo​​n™双面优化解决方案在米纳斯吉拉斯州建造830兆瓦的Janaúba光伏电站

20213月2日,巴西索罗卡巴– Flex 公司Nextracker ™ 宣布,它已被领先的巴西EPC公司Andrade Gutierrez和开发商EleraRenováveis(前身为Brookfield EnergiaRenovável)选中,为其提供830 MW的世界领先的太阳能跟踪器NX Horizo​​n™技术,用于巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州Janaúba市附近Janaúba太阳能综合设施的第一阶段。建成后,该工厂将成为南美同类工厂中最大的工厂,并计划于2022年初投入运营。

“我们很高兴与Nextracker在Janaúba太阳能发电厂合作,”可再生能源总经理Patricio Pavez说道,他来自Andrade Gutierrez。“ Nextracker在风能设计研发和工程方面的广泛专业知识以及久经考验的双向收益最终使我们选择了NX Horizo​​n智能太阳能跟踪器。”

EleraRenováveis技术副总裁贝弗利·马丁内斯(Beverly Martinez)说:“我们期待与Nextracker合作,巩固巴西在拉丁美洲太阳能领域的领导者地位。”

NX Horizo​​n具有经过现场验证的质量和可靠性,是全球45吉瓦以上项目的首选单轴太阳能跟踪器,将帮助EleraRenováveis最大限度地提高Janaúba工厂的性能,同时将运营成本降至最低。Nextracker在巴西的区域办事处将通过工程咨询以及调试,资产管理和高级数据分析服务为预防性维护提供全面支持。安装人员将受益于Nextracker的PowerworX Academy安装人员培训计划,以在现场以及在圣保罗州索罗卡巴的公司培训中心学习最佳实践。

Nextracker首席商务官Marco Garcia说:“我们很荣幸与我们的合作伙伴Elera和Andrade Gutierrez携手合作,部署巴西最大的太阳能跟踪器项目。” “ Nextracker的专业本地员工与我们公司先进的太阳能跟踪器和软件技术相结合,将确保这个具有历史意义的项目能够发挥其全部潜力。”

巴西是拉丁美洲地区发展最快的太阳能市场之一,部分原因是其高辐射水平和太阳能友好政策。迄今为止,该国的累计太阳能安装量为7.4吉瓦。米纳斯吉拉斯州(Minas Gerais)是巴西太阳能发电量最高的州。

Nextracker是世界上一些最大的太阳能电站的首选光伏系统技术和智能太阳能跟踪器提供商,例如 阿联酋1 GW的Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum太阳能公园,墨西哥Villanueva的838 MW电站以及位于澳大利亚昆士兰州的460 MW Western Downs装置。



Versão em português.

SOROCABA, BRAZIL, March 2, 2021 – Nextracker™, a Flex company, announced that it has been selected by leading Brazilian EPC firm Andrade Gutierrez and developer Elera Renováveis (formerly Brookfield Energia Renovável) to supply 830 MW of its world-leading solar tracker technology, NX Horizon™ for Phase I of the Janaúba solar complex located near the city of Janaúba, Minas Gerais, Brazil. When completed, the plant will be the largest of its kind in South America and is scheduled to become operational by early 2022.

“We are delighted to be working with Nextracker on the Janaúba solar plant,” said General Manager for Renewables, Patricio Pavez at Andrade Gutierrez. “Nextracker’s extensive expertise in wind design R&D and engineering and proven bifacial gains were ultimately what led us to select the NX Horizon smart solar tracker.”

“We look forward to working together with Nextracker to cement Brazil’s position as the leader in the solar energy sector in Latin America”, said Beverly Martinez, Technical VP at Elera Renováveis.

Built with field-proven quality and reliability, NX Horizon is the single-axis solar tracker of choice on over 45 GW of projects around the world and will help Elera Renováveis to maximize the Janaúba plant’s performance while minimizing operational costs. Nextracker’s regional office in Brazil will fully support the project with engineering advisory as well as commissioning, asset management and advanced data analytics services for preventive maintenance. Installation crews will benefit from Nextracker’s PowerworX Academy installer training program to learn best practices on site and at the company’s training center in Sorocaba, Sao Paulo state.

“We are honored to work side by side with our partners, Elera and Andrade Gutierrez to deploy Brazil’s largest solar tracker project,” said Marco Garcia, Chief Commercial Officer at Nextracker. “Nextracker’s expert local staff combined with our company’s cutting-edge solar tracker and software technologies will ensure that this historic project will perform to its full potential.”

Brazil is one of the fastest-growing solar markets in the Latin American region, due in part to its high irradiation levels and solar-friendly policies. The country has 7.4 gigawatts of cumulative solar installations to date. Minas Gerais is the top Brazilian state for solar power capacity in the nation.

Nextracker is the chosen PV system technology and smart solar tracker provider for some of the largest solar power plants in the world, such as the 1 GW Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park in the UAE, the 838 MW plant in Villanueva, Mexico, and the 460 MW Western Downs installation in Queensland, Australia.

作者: 小编

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