TPO PVC柔性光伏支架



德国慕尼黑和美国加利福尼亚州FREMONT,2019年5月15日 – 一家Flex公司NEXTracker™今天宣布,该公司正在加强其在该地区的销售工作,以应对预计将在欧洲开发的光伏项目的再次增长在接下来的几年里。凭借在该地…

德国慕尼黑和美国加利福尼亚州FREMONT,2019年5月15日 – 一家Flex公司NEXTracker™今天宣布,该公司正在加强其在该地区的销售工作,以应对预计将在欧洲开发的光伏项目的再次增长在接下来的几年里。凭借在该地区更多的实体存在,NEXTracker将支持其在西班牙,英国和希腊赢得的400兆瓦太阳能跟踪器项目。


Company sales expansion to support European solar renaissance with recently contracted projects totaling over 400 MW

根据IHS Markit发布的全球光伏安装跟踪报告,由于光伏技术与其他电力来源竞争日趋激烈,欧洲对太阳能的需求激增,该地区各国寻求实现清洁能源和减排的近期目标。 “有太阳能跟踪器的公用事业规模太阳能项目有一条巨大的管道,”IHS Markit的太阳能与储能高级分析师Camron Barati说。 “我们预计到2023年,光伏跟踪系统将占欧洲每年安装地面容量的43%。”

NEXTracker首席执行官Dan Shugar表示:“我们很高兴与我们的欧洲客户充分合作,在该地区拥有更多的业务。” “我们已经成功地在全球蓬勃发展的太阳能地区建立了供应链,运营和销售工作,我们认为欧洲是一个充满希望的市场。太阳能在欧洲中断了很多年之后,我们很高兴能将这些最新的能源产量技术引入这个新的市场。“

“在广泛审查了多个竞争产品后,我们选择NEXTracker作为我们在英格兰西北部的两个具有里程碑意义的无补贴项目,”GRIDSERVE首席执行官Toddington Harper评论道。 “随着补贴的束缚终于成为过去,欧洲太阳能项目现在正在崛起,我们正在建设它们更聪明,产量提升,如NEXTracker的双面和TrueCapture控制系统技术。我们衷心祝贺NEXTracker在这一地域扩张。“

“我们最诚挚地祝贺NEXTracker在地域扩张方面的战略举措,”Grupo Ortiz说。 “我们已经成功地在拉丁美洲大型公用事业规模项目中执行了项目,我们期待看到它们在欧洲方面的增长。”


MUNICH, Germany and FREMONT, Calif. USA, May 15, 2019 — NEXTracker™, a Flex company, announced today that the Company is bolstering its sales efforts in the region to respond to the renewed growth in PV projects slated to be developed in Europe over the next few years. With greater physical presence in the region, NEXTracker will support the 400 megawatts of solar tracker projects it has won in Spain, the United Kingdom, and Greece.

According to the global PV Installations Tracker report published by IHS Markit, demand for solar is surging in Europe as PV technology is becoming competitive with other sources of power and countries across the region seek to meet near-term goals for clean energy and emissions reduction. “There is a tremendous pipeline for utility scale solar projects with solar trackers,” said Senior Analyst for Solar & Energy Storage at IHS Markit, Camron Barati. “We’re projecting that by 2023, PV tracking systems will account for 43% of Europe’s installed ground-mounted capacity annually.”

“We are excited to be fully engaged with our European customers with a deeper presence in the region,” said Dan Shugar, NEXTracker CEO. “We have successfully built our supply chain, operations and sales efforts in what are now thriving solar energy regions across the globe, and we see Europe as a promising market. After solar’s many years on hiatus in Europe, we’re excited to bring our latest energy yield technologies to this renewed market.”

“After extensively reviewing multiple competing offers, we chose NEXTracker for our two landmark subsidy-free projects in the Northwest of England,” remarked Toddington Harper, CEO of GRIDSERVE. “With the shackles of subsidies finally a thing of the past, European solar projects are now on the rise, and we’re building them smarter, with yield improvement advancements such as NEXTracker’s bifacial and TrueCapture control system technologies. Our heartfelt congratulations to NEXTracker on this geographic expansion.”

“Our sincerest congratulations to NEXTracker on their strategic move for geographic expansion,” said Grupo Ortiz. “We have successfully executed projects in Latin American large-utility scale projects and we look forward to witnessing their growth on the European front.”

作者: 小编

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